use std::{sync::mpsc, thread}; use futures::executor; use actix_web::{get, middleware, web, App, Responder, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; //async fn read(datetime: &str) { // let sql = format!("ORDER BY abs(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, datetime, "{}")) LIMIT 1", datetime); // println!(sql) //} #[get("/{code}/{datetime}/index.html")] async fn index(web::Path((code, datetime)): web::Path<(String, String)>) -> impl Responder { //read(datetime.as_str()); format!("{{\"code\":\"{}\", \"datetime\":\"{}\"}}", code, datetime) } // https://github.com/actix/examples/pull/240/files #[get("/stop")] async fn stop(stopper: web::Data<mpsc::Sender<()>>) -> HttpResponse { // make request that sends message through the Sender stopper.send(()).unwrap(); HttpResponse::NoContent().finish() } #[get("/hello")] async fn hello() -> &'static str { "Hello world!" } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_server=debug,actix_web=debug"); env_logger::init(); // create a channel let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(); let bind = ""; // start server as normal but don't .await after .run() yet let server = HttpServer::new(move || { // give the server a Sender in .data let stopper = tx.clone(); App::new() .data(stopper) .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .service(hello) .service(index) .service(stop) }) .bind(&bind)? .run(); // clone the Server handle let srv = server.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { // wait for shutdown signal rx.recv().unwrap(); // stop server gracefully executor::block_on(srv.stop(true)) }); // run server server.await }