#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Utilities # In[1]: def is_in_jupyter() -> bool: ''' Determine wheather is the environment Jupyter Notebook ''' if 'get_ipython' not in globals(): # Python shell return False env_name = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if env_name == 'TerminalInteractiveShell': # IPython shell return False # Jupyter Notebook return True print(is_in_jupyter()) # In[3]: # if is_in_jupyter(): def set_stylesheet(): from IPython.display import display, HTML css = get_ipython().getoutput('wget -q -O -') css = "\n".join(css) display(HTML('<style type="text/css">%s</style>'%css)) set_stylesheet() # ## Main # In[ ]: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez # Copyright (C) 2021 dogwood008 (modified) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import collections from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time as _time import json import threading # import oandapy # import requests # oandapy depdendency import backtrader as bt from backtrader.metabase import MetaParams from backtrader.utils.py3 import queue, with_metaclass from backtrader.utils import AutoDict import kabusapi # In[ ]: # Extend the exceptions to support extra cases # ''' # class OandaRequestError(oandapy.OandaError): # def __init__(self): # er = dict(code=599, message='Request Error', description='') # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(er) # # # class OandaStreamError(oandapy.OandaError): # def __init__(self, content=''): # er = dict(code=598, message='Failed Streaming', description=content) # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(er) # # # class OandaTimeFrameError(oandapy.OandaError): # def __init__(self, content): # er = dict(code=597, message='Not supported TimeFrame', description='') # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(er) # # # class OandaNetworkError(oandapy.OandaError): # def __init__(self): # er = dict(code=596, message='Network Error', description='') # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(er) # ''' # class API(oandapy.API): # def request(self, endpoint, method='GET', params=None): # # Overriden to make something sensible out of a # # request.RequestException rather than simply issuing a print(str(e)) # url = '%s/%s' % (self.api_url, endpoint) # # method = method.lower() # params = params or {} # # func = getattr(self.client, method) # # request_args = {} # if method == 'get': # request_args['params'] = params # else: # request_args['data'] = params # # # Added the try block # try: # response = func(url, **request_args) # except requests.RequestException as e: # return OandaRequestError().error_response # # content = response.content.decode('utf-8') # content = json.loads(content) # # # error message # if response.status_code >= 400: # # changed from raise to return # return oandapy.OandaError(content).error_response # # return content # In[ ]: #FIXME # class Streamer(oandapy.Streamer): # def __init__(self, q, headers=None, *args, **kwargs): # # Override to provide headers, which is in the standard API interface # super(Streamer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # if headers: # self.client.headers.update(headers) # # self.q = q # # def run(self, endpoint, params=None): # # Override to better manage exceptions. # # Kept as much as possible close to the original # self.connected = True # # params = params or {} # # ignore_heartbeat = None # if 'ignore_heartbeat' in params: # ignore_heartbeat = params['ignore_heartbeat'] # # request_args = {} # request_args['params'] = params # # url = '%s/%s' % (self.api_url, endpoint) # # while self.connected: # # Added exception control here # try: # response = self.client.get(url, **request_args) # except requests.RequestException as e: # self.q.put(OandaRequestError().error_response) # break # # if response.status_code != 200: # self.on_error(response.content) # break # added break here # # # Changed chunk_size 90 -> None # try: # for line in response.iter_lines(chunk_size=None): # if not self.connected: # break # # if line: # data = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8')) # if not (ignore_heartbeat and 'heartbeat' in data): # self.on_success(data) # # except: # socket.error has been seen # self.q.put(OandaStreamError().error_response) # break # # def on_success(self, data): # if 'tick' in data: # self.q.put(data['tick']) # elif 'transaction' in data: # self.q.put(data['transaction']) # # def on_error(self, data): # self.disconnect() # self.q.put(OandaStreamError(data).error_response) # In[ ]: from enum import Enum class KabusAPIEnv(Enum): DEV = 'dev' PROD = 'prod' # In[ ]: class MetaSingleton(MetaParams): '''Metaclass to make a metaclassed class a singleton''' def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): super(MetaSingleton, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) cls._singleton = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._singleton is None: cls._singleton = ( super(MetaSingleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)) return cls._singleton class KabuSAPIStore(with_metaclass(MetaSingleton, object)): '''Singleton class wrapping to control the connections to Kabu STATION API. Params: - ``token`` (default:``None``): API access token - ``account`` (default: ``None``): account id - ``practice`` (default: ``False``): use the test environment - ``account_tmout`` (default: ``10.0``): refresh period for account value/cash refresh ''' BrokerCls = None # broker class will autoregister DataCls = None # data class will auto register params = ( ('url', 'localhost'), ('env', KabuSAPIEnv.DEV), ('port', None), ('password', None), ) # _DTEPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1) # _ENVPRACTICE = 'practice' # _ENVLIVE = 'live' @classmethod def getdata(cls, *args, **kwargs): '''Returns ``DataCls`` with args, kwargs''' return cls.DataCls(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def getbroker(cls, *args, **kwargs): '''Returns broker with *args, **kwargs from registered ``BrokerCls``''' return cls.BrokerCls(*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self): def _getport() -> int: if self.p.port: return port return 18081 if self.p.env == KabuSAPIEnv.DEV else 18080 def _init_kabusapi_client(self) -> kabusapiapi.Context: url = self.p.url port = self.p.get('port', _getport()) password = self.p.password token = kabusapi.Context(url, port, password).token self.kapi = kabusapi.Context(url, port, token=token) super(KabuSAPIStore, self).__init__() self.notifs = collections.deque() # store notifications for cerebro self._env = None # reference to cerebro for general notifications = None # broker instance self.datas = list() # datas that have registered over start self._orders = collections.OrderedDict() # map order.ref to oid self._ordersrev = collections.OrderedDict() # map oid to order.ref self._transpend = collections.defaultdict(collections.deque) _init_kabusapi_client() self._cash = 0.0 self._value = 0.0 self._evt_acct = threading.Event() def start(self, data=None, broker=None): # Datas require some processing to kickstart data reception if data is None and broker is None: = None return if data is not None: self._env = data._env # For datas simulate a queue with None to kickstart co self.datas.append(data) if is not None: elif broker is not None: = broker self.streaming_events() self.broker_threads() def stop(self): # signal end of thread if is not None: self.q_ordercreate.put(None) self.q_orderclose.put(None) self.q_account.put(None) def put_notification(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.notifs.append((msg, args, kwargs)) def get_notifications(self): '''Return the pending "store" notifications''' self.notifs.append(None) # put a mark / threads could still append return [x for x in iter(self.notifs.popleft, None)] # Oanda supported granularities # _GRANULARITIES = { # (bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, 5): 'S5', # (bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, 10): 'S10', # (bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, 15): 'S15', # (bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, 30): 'S30', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 1): 'M1', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 2): 'M3', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 3): 'M3', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 4): 'M4', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 5): 'M5', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 10): 'M5', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 15): 'M5', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 30): 'M5', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 60): 'H1', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 120): 'H2', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 180): 'H3', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 240): 'H4', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 360): 'H6', # (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 480): 'H8', # (bt.TimeFrame.Days, 1): 'D', # (bt.TimeFrame.Weeks, 1): 'W', # (bt.TimeFrame.Months, 1): 'M', # } def get_positions(self): try: positions = self.oapi.get_positions(self.p.account) except (oandapy.OandaError, OandaRequestError,): return None poslist = positions.get('positions', []) return poslist #def get_granularity(self, timeframe, compression): # return self._GRANULARITIES.get((timeframe, compression), None) def get_instrument(self, dataname): try: insts = self.oapi.get_instruments(self.p.account, instruments=dataname) except (oandapy.OandaError, OandaRequestError,): return None i = insts.get('instruments', [{}]) return i[0] or None def streaming_events(self, tmout=None): q = queue.Queue() kwargs = {'q': q, 'tmout': tmout} t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_streaming_listener, kwargs=kwargs) t.daemon = True t.start() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_streaming_events, kwargs=kwargs) # FIXME: _t_streaming_events t.daemon = True t.start() return q def _t_streaming_listener(self, q, tmout=None): while True: trans = q.get() self._transaction(trans) # FIXME: Streamer def _t_streaming_events(self, q, tmout=None): if tmout is not None: _time.sleep(tmout) # FIXME: oandapy.Streamer # streamer = Streamer(q, # environment=self._oenv, # access_token=self.p.token, # headers={'X-Accept-Datetime-Format': 'UNIX'}) # # def candles(self, dataname, dtbegin, dtend, timeframe, compression, candleFormat, includeFirst): kwargs = locals().copy() kwargs.pop('self') kwargs['q'] = q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_candles, kwargs=kwargs) # FIXME: _t_candles t.daemon = True t.start() return q def _t_candles(self, dataname, dtbegin, dtend, timeframe, compression, candleFormat, includeFirst, q): # FIXME: granularity = self.get_granularity(timeframe, compression) if granularity is None: e = OandaTimeFrameError() q.put(e.error_response) return dtkwargs = {} if dtbegin is not None: dtkwargs['start'] = int((dtbegin - self._DTEPOCH).total_seconds()) # FIXME: _DTEPOCH if dtend is not None: dtkwargs['end'] = int((dtend - self._DTEPOCH).total_seconds()) # FIXME: _DTEPOCH try: # FIXME: granularity # response = self.oapi.get_history(instrument=dataname, # granularity=granularity, # candleFormat=candleFormat, # **dtkwargs) except oandapy.OandaError as e: q.put(e.error_response) q.put(None) return # FIXME for candle in response.get('candles', []): q.put(candle) q.put({}) # end of transmission def streaming_prices(self, dataname, tmout=None): q = queue.Queue() kwargs = {'q': q, 'dataname': dataname, 'tmout': tmout} t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_streaming_prices, kwargs=kwargs) # FIXME: _t_streaming_prices t.daemon = True t.start() return q # FIXME: Streamer def _t_streaming_prices(self, dataname, q, tmout): if tmout is not None: _time.sleep(tmout) # FIXME: Streamer # FIXME streamer = Streamer(q, environment=self._oenv, # FIXME access_token=self.p.token, # FIXME headers={'X-Accept-Datetime-Format': 'UNIX'}) # FIXME streamer.rates(self.p.account, instruments=dataname) def get_cash(self): return self._cash def get_value(self): return self._value _ORDEREXECS = { bt.Order.Market: 'market', bt.Order.Limit: 'limit', bt.Order.Stop: 'stop', bt.Order.StopLimit: 'stop', } def broker_threads(self): self.q_account = queue.Queue() self.q_account.put(True) # force an immediate update t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_account) t.daemon = True t.start() self.q_ordercreate = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_order_create) t.daemon = True t.start() self.q_orderclose = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_order_cancel) t.daemon = True t.start() # Wait once for the values to be set self._evt_acct.wait(self.p.account_tmout) def _t_account(self): while True: try: msg = self.q_account.get(timeout=self.p.account_tmout) if msg is None: break # end of thread except queue.Empty: # tmout -> time to refresh pass try: accinfo = self.oapi.get_account(self.p.account) except Exception as e: self.put_notification(e) continue try: self._cash = accinfo['marginAvail'] self._value = accinfo['balance'] except KeyError: pass self._evt_acct.set() def order_create(self, order, stopside=None, takeside=None, **kwargs): okwargs = dict() okwargs['instrument'] = okwargs['units'] = abs(order.created.size) okwargs['side'] = 'buy' if order.isbuy() else 'sell' okwargs['type'] = self._ORDEREXECS[order.exectype] if order.exectype != bt.Order.Market: okwargs['price'] = order.created.price if order.valid is None: # 1 year and datetime.max fail ... 1 month works valid = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=30) else: valid = # To timestamp with seconds precision okwargs['expiry'] = int((valid - self._DTEPOCH).total_seconds()) # FIXME: _DTEPOCH if order.exectype == bt.Order.StopLimit: okwargs['lowerBound'] = order.created.pricelimit okwargs['upperBound'] = order.created.pricelimit if order.exectype == bt.Order.StopTrail: okwargs['trailingStop'] = order.trailamount if stopside is not None: okwargs['stopLoss'] = stopside.price if takeside is not None: okwargs['takeProfit'] = takeside.price okwargs.update(**kwargs) # anything from the user self.q_ordercreate.put((order.ref, okwargs,)) return order _OIDSINGLE = ['orderOpened', 'tradeOpened', 'tradeReduced'] _OIDMULTIPLE = ['tradesClosed'] def _t_order_create(self): while True: msg = self.q_ordercreate.get() if msg is None: break oref, okwargs = msg try: o = self.oapi.create_order(self.p.account, **okwargs) except Exception as e: self.put_notification(e) return # Ids are delivered in different fields and all must be fetched to # match them (as executions) to the order generated here oids = list() for oidfield in self._OIDSINGLE: if oidfield in o and 'id' in o[oidfield]: oids.append(o[oidfield]['id']) for oidfield in self._OIDMULTIPLE: if oidfield in o: for suboidfield in o[oidfield]: oids.append(suboidfield['id']) if not oids: return self._orders[oref] = oids[0] if okwargs['type'] == 'market': # taken immediately for oid in oids: self._ordersrev[oid] = oref # maps ids to backtrader order # An transaction may have happened and was stored tpending = self._transpend[oid] tpending.append(None) # eom marker while True: trans = tpending.popleft() if trans is None: break self._process_transaction(oid, trans) def order_cancel(self, order): self.q_orderclose.put(order.ref) return order def _t_order_cancel(self): while True: oref = self.q_orderclose.get() if oref is None: break oid = self._orders.get(oref, None) if oid is None: continue # the order is no longer there try: o = self.oapi.close_order(self.p.account, oid) except Exception as e: continue # not cancelled - FIXME: notify _X_ORDER_CREATE = ('STOP_ORDER_CREATE', 'LIMIT_ORDER_CREATE', 'MARKET_IF_TOUCHED_ORDER_CREATE',) def _transaction(self, trans): # Invoked from Streaming Events. May actually receive an event for an # oid which has not yet been returned after creating an order. Hence # store if not yet seen, else forward to processer ttype = trans['type'] if ttype == 'MARKET_ORDER_CREATE': try: oid = trans['tradeReduced']['id'] except KeyError: try: oid = trans['tradeOpened']['id'] except KeyError: return # cannot do anything else elif ttype in self._X_ORDER_CREATE: oid = trans['id'] elif ttype == 'ORDER_FILLED': oid = trans['orderId'] elif ttype == 'ORDER_CANCEL': oid = trans['orderId'] elif ttype == 'TRADE_CLOSE': oid = trans['id'] pid = trans['tradeId'] if pid in self._orders and False: # Know nothing about trade return # can do nothing # Skip above - at the moment do nothing # Received directly from an event in the WebGUI for example which # closes an existing position related to order with id -> pid # COULD BE DONE: Generate a fake counter order to gracefully # close the existing position msg = ('Received TRADE_CLOSE for unknown order, possibly generated' ' over a different client or GUI') self.put_notification(msg, trans) return else: # Go aways gracefully try: oid = trans['id'] except KeyError: oid = 'None' msg = 'Received {} with oid {}. Unknown situation' msg = msg.format(ttype, oid) self.put_notification(msg, trans) return try: oref = self._ordersrev[oid] self._process_transaction(oid, trans) except KeyError: # not yet seen, keep as pending self._transpend[oid].append(trans) _X_ORDER_FILLED = ('MARKET_ORDER_CREATE', 'ORDER_FILLED', 'TAKE_PROFIT_FILLED', 'STOP_LOSS_FILLED', 'TRAILING_STOP_FILLED',) def _process_transaction(self, oid, trans): try: oref = self._ordersrev.pop(oid) except KeyError: return ttype = trans['type'] if ttype in self._X_ORDER_FILLED: size = trans['units'] if trans['side'] == 'sell': size = -size price = trans['price'], size, price, ttype=ttype) elif ttype in self._X_ORDER_CREATE: self._ordersrev[oid] = oref elif ttype in 'ORDER_CANCEL': reason = trans['reason'] if reason == 'ORDER_FILLED': pass # individual execs have done the job elif reason == 'TIME_IN_FORCE_EXPIRED': elif reason == 'CLIENT_REQUEST': else: # default action ... if nothing else # In[ ]: